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Om Pose


(indoors and outdoors, mainly in Ticino)



We want to contribute to human re-connection to Nature, to himself and to the cosmos.

We organize special events indoors and outdoors (for adults, families, companies and private groups): memorable experiences conceived to nurture body, mind and soul.


During the cold season, from November to March most of our events take place indoors.

We organize one-day events only in Ticino, Como and Varese areas.

Most of our events are held in Italian as a primary language but, if requested, English is possible in some moments.

Check out our program below and book your spot!

Sotto trovi gli eventi per i quali sono aperte le iscrizioni!

Unisciti a noi!

"Look deeply into nature and you will understand everything better."

Albert Einstein

Upcoming one-day Events in Ticino

  • Breathwork e Arte per l'Equinozio d'Autunno
    Breathwork e Arte per l'Equinozio d'Autunno
    dom 22 set
    Spazio Amélier, Arzo (CH)
    22 set 2024, 14:00 – 18:30
    Spazio Amélier, Arzo (CH), Via Antonio Rinaldi 8, 6864 Arzo, Switzerland
    22 set 2024, 14:00 – 18:30
    Spazio Amélier, Arzo (CH), Via Antonio Rinaldi 8, 6864 Arzo, Switzerland
    Ti proponiamo una giornata conviviale, artistica e introspettiva, per lasciare cadere le foglie secche e riaccendere dentro, con coraggio e dolcezza, la tua luce interiore. Un evento variegato e completo, per crescere assieme e celebrare la natura. Con Susana Tavares e Giulia Fonti.
  • Kundalini Yoga e Aperitivo in Convento
    Kundalini Yoga e Aperitivo in Convento
    dom 29 set
    29 set 2024, 15:30 – 18:15
    Bigorio, Capriasca CH, V. al Convento 42, 6954 Bigorio, Switzerland
    29 set 2024, 15:30 – 18:15
    Bigorio, Capriasca CH, V. al Convento 42, 6954 Bigorio, Switzerland
    Una pratica completa di Kundalini Yoga, meditazione e gong, nel Giardino degli Ulivi, a Bigorio, con vista mozzafiato su lago e montagne, seguito da un delizioso aperitivo vegetariano!

Waking I see a tree, abound with connectivity. Less of doing, more of being.
Seeing earths true worth; it comes from having pure intentions.
Forgotten forsaken, it's time to awaken,
For all, for oneness. To sustain and gain one must give to live
Back into being. Here earth I come to lay,
Put my attention in this moment,
To listen and to play."

Joie de Winter

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